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  • Hot Dog University!

    It was about this time last year that the we attended Vienna Beef’s, HOT DOG U! It was an outstanding experience for the family as we began the journey of following the dreams of Lincoln. Bill Murphy couldn’t have been a better person to teach us the ins and outs of the hot dog cart business and allow us to taste all of the delicious products that Vienna Beef has to offer. The education he provided based on his years of expertise in the business was invaluable. We are so proud to be partnered with the best of the best when it comes to hot dogs. After all, they are Chicago’s Hot Dog! From the business side, to the side of the cart, Vienna Beef has been everything we have needed them to be to offer a great product to our customers and the best darn service you can imagine. The picture above is from the first day that Lincoln Dogs was in business at Oz Park. Bill “Murph” Murphy showed up and really got the wheels of the cart in motion, got the music pumping and gave that final pep talk that got us so excited for the summer ahead. Thanks again, Murph! We couldn’t have gotten here without you!
